Cross Roads is set to be a dark urban fantasy series (set in the present day with an alternate timeline) that consists the theme of strong spiritual and religious overtones. This is inspired by many anime shows like Sailor Moon and Puella Magi Madoka Magica. The whole entire trope of the magical girl and traditional monsters will not be focused like any other type of cartoon show that consists of them.
However, this is a deconstruction of this particular theme. What makes them popular and what makes them important in their own life. Pretty much, I will not be focusing on the glitz and glamour of a magical girl/superhero, but more behind the scenes and how it effects the people around them.
There will be times where they will face super villains and different kinds of monsters or humanoids. Even then, those kinds of tropes will be deconstructed and set in a realistic vision. Many magical girl/super-heroine cartoon shows rely on clichés. Cross Roads will be stripped bare of all of them. Cross Roads will be the trade as something as gritty and realistic.
The Cross Roads Series will be for mature audiences. It will have adult themes like war and how it will affect the environment. Violent scenes that will be blunt and in detail. It will also contain strong sexual content in both a positive and a negative on how story plot goes. However, it will not be gratuitous to the degree that I have to write about it all the time. I stress this a lot: if it calls for it, I will do it and not shy away from because of my beliefs.